La planta de biomasa de Milagro estará en marcha en 2012 y creará 70 empleos directos
05 de Abril de 2010
La planta se ubicará en el término de El Montecillo y el calor que genere será utilizado por unos invernaderos anexos.
Según la empresa Bioenergética de Navarra (Biodena), promotora de esta iniciativa, el proyecto está a punto de conseguir la licencia de obras. La intención de la firma es que esta instalación, dedicada a la producción de energía eléctrica a partir de la combustión de cultivos herbáceos, entre en funcionamiento durante el primer trimestre de 2012.
Biodena invertirá unos 70 millones de euros en la puesta en marcha de una planta que tendrá una potencia final de 27,5 megavatios. La actividad de esta instalación generará 70 empleos directos y cerca de 200 indirectos.
El funcionamiento de la planta de biomasa de Milagro se basa en la combustión del sorgo, una planta herbácea similar al maíz. El sorgo recogido en el campo se acumulará en pacas para transportarlo en camiones a la instalación milagresa. La combustión del sorgo calienta el agua que circula por las paredes de la caldera hasta convertirla en vapor. Éste mueve una turbina conectada a un generador que produce la energía eléctrica.
Biodena ha llegado a acuerdos con distintas cooperativas y agricultores de la Ribera para el cultivo del sorgo. En concreto, actualmente cuenta con 500 hectáreas que, cuando la planta se ponga en marcha en 2012, superarán las 3.000 hectáreas.
Motivos del retraso:
Una de las causas que han motivado el retraso de la puesta en marcha de la planta de biomasa de Milagro han sido la "lenta" tramitación que la empresa promotora ha tenido que realizar para obtener los permisos necesarios para la evacuación eléctrica.
"Ya tenemos todo en regla y el acuerdo cerrado con Iberdrola. Ahora vamos a iniciar el proyecto y los trámites medioambientales necesarios para la construcción de la línea de evacuación eléctrica que unirá, a lo largo de 20 kilómetros, la planta de Milagro y la subestación de La Serna de Tudela", explicó el consejero delegado de Biodena, Josep Turmó.
Otro de los motivos del retraso en la ejecución del proyecto ha sido el cambio de ubicación de la planta. En el proyecto original, la instalación iba a ser construida en el Soto de las Nupcias, mientras que ahora se levantará en el término de El Montecillo, ubicado a 2,5 kilómetros del casco urbano de Milagro.
En concreto, la planta de biomasa, que ocupará 20 hectáreas, se construirá anexa a una instalación de invernaderos de cultivo hidropónico que van a ser gestionados por un grupo navarro. "Nosotros hemos llegado a un acuerdo con este grupo para que la planta de biomasa facilite a los invernaderos el calor a baja temperatura y el CO2 que necesita este tipo de cultivos", indicó Turmó. Según el promotor, este acuerdo servirá para mejorar la eficiencia energética de la planta de biomasa y reducir los costes de los invernaderos.
"Gran noticia" para Milagro
Por su parte, el alcalde de Milagro, Esteban Garijo Pérez, se mostró satisfecho con la "reactivación" de este proyecto, "lo que supone una gran noticia para la localidad".
"Se trata de una iniciativa que va a crear un número importante de empleos y va a ser una fuente de ingresos para la localidad, y eso es una muy buena noticia en estos tiempos de crisis", señaló el primer edil milagrés, quien destacó el "interés" de Biodena por instalarse en la villa.
Sodercan expone la apuesta cántabra por las energÃas marinas
25 de Marzo de 2010
El director general de Estrategia Corporativa de Grupo Sodercan, Francisco Royano, ha explicado a una delegación de la Sección Marina de la Asociación de Productores de Energías Renovables (APPA), que ha visitado Cantabria, los detalles de la estrategia cántabra para liderar el desarrollo de la energía marina, tanto eólica como undimotriz.
En el transcurso de la reunión, celebrada en la sede de Grupo Sodercan, ubicada el Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Cantabria (PCTCAN), los representantes de APPA, entre los que se encuentra ABENCIS SEAPOWER, pudieron conocer en profundidad las razones que convierten a Cantabria «en un territorio estratégico para invertir e innovar en energía marina».
Durante la asamblea de la asociación nacional, Royano explicó cómo la Comunidad Autónoma disfruta de una «excelente» ubicación geográfica, lo que según el directivo de Grupo Sodercan «constituye una ventaja competitiva única para atraer inversiones».
Spanish situation on ocean energy
17 de Marzo de 2010Introduction
Ocean energy in Spain is having a late deployment in comparison with other countries with a similar ocean power potential, such as UK or Portugal. Nevertheless, activities involving ocean energy (basically wave power) have been growing steadily since 2005. This article sums up key activities for the development of ocean energy in Spain regarding policies, research & development, and demonstration projects.
Current Spanish legislation regards ocean energy in two Royal Decrees; one establishes the administrative procedure to apply for an authorization for electricity generation installations at sea, and the other one sets the feed-in tariff price, so that the specific tariff is negotiated for every individual project, depending on the investment cost.
Although there are no national targets at the moment, it is expected that ocean energy will be included in the future "2011-2020 Renewable Energy Plan" including targets and other supporting measures.
Regional Governments of several areas (The Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia and the Canary Islands) are, on the other hand, promoting the installation of demonstration projects. Two of them have set targets on ocean energy so far: The Basque Country plans 5MW of installed power by 2010, and the Canary Islands consider 50 MW by 2015.
Spain joined international initiatives on ocean energy during 2008, being the most relevant IEA-OES, the Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems of the International Energy Association. TECNALIA, IEA-OES Spanish contracting party, is holding one of the two vice-chairs of IEA-OES.
Regarding standardisation issues, AENOR, the Spanish standardisation board, launched a national mirror group for the international committee IEC/TC 114 in June 2008. This group will work on the establishment of standards concerning marine energy, mainly for wave and water currents devices.
Research & Development
Public R&D investment at a national level is best represented by the PSE-MAR, a strategic research project that aims at developing three different wave energy converting technologies, a test and demonstration site and guidance on non technical issues. This project, coordinated by TECNALIA, is formed by three developers (HIDROFLOT, PIPO SYSTEMS and OCEANTEC) industrial companies, R&D centres and universities. In 2008, 3,5M€ have been allocated for the period 2008-2010.
Basque Country and Cantabria Governments intend to set up infrastructures in their coasts during next years to test different technologies of wave energy conversion. The Basque test facility will allow full-scale prototype testing and the installation of demonstration and pre-commercial wave power plants up to 20MW. This infrastructure (bimep, Biscay Marine Energy Platform) is expected to be in operation in 2010. Both Governments have also stockholding in wave energy projects under construction in their territory, which are mentioned further on.
In June 2008, IBERDROLA and TECNALIA announced an agreement to develop the Oceantec project, with the goal of putting into operation a wave energy device with high performance and at competitive cost. This initiative, which will stimulate industrial development in the Basque Country, will involve a joint investment of around €4.5 million with expectations that the device will be built and tested throughout 2009. The first stage of sea trials has started in September 2008 with the commissioning on the Basque coast of a quarter scale prototype.
Demonstration projects
Two demonstration projects are under construction currently and expected to be operational by 2009:
* Mutriku, Basque Country: Nereida Project in Mutriku (Basque Country), promoted by EVE, is an OWC (Oscillating Water Column) integrated in a breakwater and involves a 6M€ investment, 4M€ for civil work and the rest for electromechanic work and grid connection. The plant consists of 16 turbines, 18,5kW each, with an estimated overall power of 296kW.
* Santoña, Cantabria: IBERDROLA Energías Marinas de Cantabria S.A installed at sea in September 2008 the first OPT's Powerbuoy of 40kW in Santoña (Cantabria) without grid connection. After finishing a testing stage with this buoy and a detail analysis of investment costs, a second phase could be tackled. This second stage would include the installation and grid connection of 9 buoys of 150kW each. The group that is developing this power plant is owned by IBERDROLA RENOVABLES (60%), TOTAL (10%), OPT (10%), IDAE (10%) and SODERCAN (10%). The budget for the first phase, which includes the electrical marine infrastructure, amounts to some €3 million.
Other private initiatives exist like Abencis Seapower, promoting the installation of a demonstration plant of its new on-shore technology, which expects to be operational in 2010. HIDROFLOT has announced the investment of 14 M€ to install an offshore 1,5MW wave power plant in Asturias with its multi-buoy platform technology. NORVENTO and Sea Energy are also studying the promotion of different wave power plants in Galicia. The local Government of Tenerife, in collaboration with other Spanish partners, is studying the possibilities of installing wave energy demonstration plants in Tenerife.
Short latest news
IEA-OES meeting in Bilbao and 3rd Seminar on Ocean Energy
The meetings to be held by the members of IEA-OES in Bilbao from 30 March to 1 April 2009 will provide an ideal backdrop for the third seminar on ocean energy organised by Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE) and TECNALIA. This international seminar will examine the latest world-wide advances in devices for harnessing ocean energy (waves, tidal, etc.) and discuss other non-technological aspects that are also essential for developing this source and introducing it into the general supply system.
The project for the installation of a test and demonstration site offshore the Basque coast continues its progress; in January 2009, the application for authorization as an electric installation at the sea has been submitted. This authorization will allow the project to sell the generated electricity. The Environmental Impact Study has also been handed in and the application for the occupation of marine area.
In December, the connection point and conditions were granted, which ensures access to the grid and permission for the 20MW.
Mutriku OWC power plant
The wave energy plant in Mutriku is expected to be to be up and running by summer 2009, if some delays in relation with the final authorization are solved.